
The Art Challenge

The Art Challenge
This year I will do some sort of art every single day. I may not finish a piece each day....but I will work towards it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Art Dare #1 of 365 for this year!!!

So, this is first piece of art for my 2010 Art Dare. For those of you just passing by, I and my husband have dared myself to sketch or paint no less than 365 pieces of art this year. I never went to art school so I am going to teach myself this year in a CRASH COURSE!!! I will start, every few days by replicating another artist's existing work of art for the sole purpose of practice and learning from that the following painting or paintings I will create an original of my own, with their style in mind.

I figure--who better to teach me art then other artists!!! I'm excited, but also, a bit overwhelmed as I can already see this is going to take a smashing TON of time this year! But, Julie of "Julie & Julia" is my inspiration.....I will finish this race.....and be a much better artist for 2011 !!! Come join me each day and -make time for Art this year!!!
(Giving credit - this lesson is based on the Monet piece titled: "Houses of Parliament ") It was much more fun than I thought it would be!

1 comment:

  1. I for one am looking forward to having front row seats and to decorating all 3 of my firm's offices :)
