
The Art Challenge

The Art Challenge
This year I will do some sort of art every single day. I may not finish a piece each day....but I will work towards it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2--painting 2 of 365, day 2, painting # 2 of 365 to come.....and, well, I am not too happy about how this one turned out. Yesterday, in an attempt to learn from Monet, I tried to paint his painting. Today, I created my own painting-attempting to reflect his style. I definately need more practice...the good news...I learned from my seems as if Monet's style is easier with watercolor....hmmmm..... any recomendations or comments or advice will be truly welcomed.....


  1. okay, so i think i am figuring this whole accepting your own art thing out. i think that we and all artist, though many probably wont admit it, feel like amatures no matter how much work we do. we are so criticle of ourselves. i often finish a piece and feel less than impressed with it. and most of the time, those are the pieces that people really like. its funny that you arent that happy with this one, because i really like it, which inspired me to send you this comment. i am excited to see where this art dare takes you! ill be visiting often to see your new masterpieces =) you are making me wan to go paint right now!!

  2. WOW!!!! Thank you for that encouragement and feedback! How intersting! Now I am really glad that I am doing this "art dare blog" so that I can get feedback from other artists, like you Kristi! I know what you mean about being hardest on ourselves....heehee Keep the comments coming! I really really respect you as an artist and love hearing what you have to say! Go paint..go paint!!! hehee
